Example CMC Application

This walkthrough of a hypothetical CMC application is designed to give you an overview of many of the major CMC features and paradigms.


These instructions assume you have cloned the Common Mapping Client repository from https://github.com/nasa/common-mapping-client and have followed the installation instructions from the quickstart guide found in CORE_README. Once you have followed these instructions you should be able to view the default CMC application in your browser at localhost:3000.


This walkthrough is broken up into a series of modules which cover different concepts. Each module will build upon the previous module and iteratively help you become more comfortable with CMC. The final walkthrough code can be found here: https://github.com/AaronPlave/common-mapping-client-walkthrough and a live version of the walkthrough application can be viewed here: http://aaronplave.com/common-mapping-client-walkthrough/branches/master/.

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